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Release notes for our 4.3 versions of MFractor for Visual Studio Mac


Released on September 24th 2020

Fixes a bug where links within tooltips sometimes would not clickable.


Released on September 8th 2020

Fixes a bug in binding context resolution when the <VisualElement.BindingContext> setter node is used and adds new a analyser to detect when Grid row/column definitions can be simplified.


Released on August 26th 2020

Release to align with Visual Studio Windows service release.

Issues Fixed:

  • Fixed: XAML control contextual scaffolder. #295


Released on August 6th 2020

MFractor 4.3 is a major release to support Visual Mac 8.7 and includes several new features for tooltips plus lots of bug fixes and overall product improvements.


  • Navigation Tooltip Links: When MFractor can perform a navigation action for the current element, the new Navigate To link will appear in the tooltip.
  • Code Analysis Help Links: When a code inspection has a help file available, you can now click on the Help link in the tooltip window to learn more about it.
  • SVG Tooltips: Hover over an SVG file reference or SVG path data and MFractor will now show you a preview of that SVG. (Mac Only)
  • Localisation Tooltips for C# and XAML: When a property maps to a .resx localisation lookup, MFractor will display a summary of all localisations for that key.
  • DateTime Format Preview Tooltips: Hover over a data time format string to see a preview of it as DateTime.Now.

Issues Fixed:

  • Fixed: Add support for the XmlnsDefinition attribute #98
  • Fixed: The Create new Style code action should trigger the Create New Style window instead of a blank one. #277
  • Fixed: Unable to find Carousel IndicatorView (false warning). #289
  • Fixed: The NavigateToFileSpansWorkUnitHandler is not implemented (breaks go to custom renderer). #245
  • Fixed: Visual Studio Windows - Manage Image Assets - not populating. #291
  • Fixed: Scaffolder on VS Windows Code Preview and Scaffold list broken. #284
  • Fixed: Enhancement localisation tool. #134
    • When over a localisation expression, show localisation values summary in a tooltip.
    • Go to definition support for localisation expressions.
    • Code action to move a string literal to a RESX file (new or existing).
  • Ongoing performance and memory improvements:
    • Removing (most) usages of Task.Run to prevent MFractor generating unnecessary threads.
    • Pre-caching/pre-populating as much state as possible when performing XAML analysis.
    • More use of Lazy<T> to defer or avoid the cost of expensive resolution operations.
  • Code output previews for the Generate Customer Renderers and Exclude From Linking features.
  • XAML Localisation: Removed dependency on deprecated ILocalise methodology and moved to .resx files methodology. See Xamarin.Forms String and Image Localization.
