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Extracting Custom Controls

Move a XAML layout usage into its own reusable custom control


When developing user interfaces in XAML, it's common to have similiar or even identical XAML blocks. These duplicate code-blocks are ideal candidates to be refactored into a custom control that is reusable.

Creating custom controls simplifies your code base and increases it's ease of maintainbility.

To help you simplify your XAML, MFractor provides an Extract XAML Control refactoring to move a layout into it's own re-usable custom control.

Using The Extract Control Refactoring

To use the extract control refactoring, press Alt+Return when the caret is at a layout element (IE: A Grid, StackLayout etc) and then choose Extract into new XAML control.

In Visual Studio Mac, right click on the layout element, then choose Refactor and then Extract into new XAML control.

This will launch the the extract control dialog:

The extract control refactoring window

The extract control window is made up of the following components:

  • Name: The name of the new custom control.
  • Project: The project that the new custom control will be placed within. By default, this is the project where the refactoring was triggered.
  • Folder: The folder path where the new custom control will be placed. By default this is Controls. You may enter a folder path relative to the root of the selected Project and MFractor will generate that folder path.

The right hand panel of the extract control window displays a preview of the code that the wizard will generate. Here you can toggle between the .xaml and .xaml.cs file that the refactoring will generate.

To finish extracting the control, click Generate and MFractor will create a new .xaml and .xaml.cs file for that control and replace the original XAMl with a reference to the new control.
