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Binding Context Resolution

MFractor includes many features to make working with XAML and the MVVM pattern easier. To power these features, MFractor is capable of intelligently resolving a XAML files binding context (even when none is specified) and can also evaluate markup expressions (such as x:Static or Binding expressions) or can walk through the XAML hierarchy to evaluate the correct binding context for a given node.

So, what is a binding context?

When using the Model-View-ViewModel architecture pattern, views use a Binding Context to display and transfer data between the application logic layer and the view layer with minimal dependencies. This is accomplished through data binding; properties on a view are bound to properties on a backing object through binding mechanisms allowing two-way data transfer between the UI and application logic. For a full tutorial on Mvvm architecture, please Microsofts The MVVM Pattern article.

Resolution Methods

MFractor supports several methods of binding context resolution:
