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Release notes for our 4.3 versions of MFractor for Visual Studio Windows


Released on September 24th 2020

Version alignment with Visual Studio Mac.


Released on September 8th 2020

Fixes a bug in binding context resolution when the <VisualElement.BindingContext> setter node is used and adds new a analyser to detect when Grid row/column definitions can be simplified.


Released on August 26th 2020

Service release to add xcasset catalog support for Visual Studio Windows, stabilise text view events and fix some misc bugs in v4.3.

Issues Fixed:

  • Fixed: Image case sensitive issue. #294
  • Fixed: MFractor for Visual Studio Windows xcasset catalog support. #288
  • Fixed: Windows Version 4.3 features not working. #293
  • Fixed: XAML control contextual scaffolder. #295
  • Fixed: MFractor for Visual Studio Windows failed to detect document open events and text buffer changes, leading to a range of analysis and refactoring bugs.


Released on August 6th 2020

MFractor 4.3 is a major release that adds includes several new features for tooltips plus lots of bug fixes and overall product improvements.


  • Navigation Tooltip Links: When MFractor can perform a navigation action for the current element, the new Navigate To link will appear in the tooltip.
  • Code Analysis Help Links: When a code inspection has a help file available, you can now click on the Help link in the tooltip window to learn more about it.
  • SVG Tooltips: Hover over an SVG file reference or SVG path data and MFractor will now show you a preview of that SVG. (Mac Only)
  • Localisation Tooltips for C# and XAML: When a property maps to a .resx localisation lookup, MFractor will display a summary of all localisations for that key.
  • DateTime Format Preview Tooltips: Hover over a data time format string to see a preview of it as DateTime.Now.

Issues Fixed:

  • Fixed: Add support for the XmlnsDefinition attribute #98
  • Fixed: The Create new Style code action should trigger the Create New Style window instead of a blank one. #277
  • Fixed: Unable to find Carousel IndicatorView (false warning). #289
  • Fixed: The NavigateToFileSpansWorkUnitHandler is not implemented (breaks go to custom renderer). #245
  • Fixed: Visual Studio Windows - Manage Image Assets - not populating. #291
  • Fixed: Scaffolder on VS Windows Code Preview and Scaffold list broken. #284
  • Fixed: Enhancement localisation tool. #134
    • When over a localisation expression, show localisation values summary in a tooltip.
    • Go to definition support for localisation expressions.
    • Code action to move a string literal to a RESX file (new or existing).
  • Ongoing performance and memory improvements:
    • Removing (most) usages of Task.Run to prevent MFractor generating unnecessary threads.
    • Pre-caching/pre-populating as much state as possible when performing XAML analysis.
    • More use of Lazy<T> to defer or avoid the cost of expensive resolution operations.
  • Code output previews for the Generate Customer Renderers and Exclude From Linking features.
  • XAML Localisation: Removed dependency on deprecated ILocalise methodology and moved to .resx files methodology. See Xamarin.Forms String and Image Localization.
