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Inspections that verify static resource declarations and expressions


This documentation article outlines the XAML analysers and code fixes that are available for static resource expressions and declarations.

Missing Static Resource

When referencing a resource using a StaticResource expression, MFractor will validate that the given resource key is available in the current

Example of the undefined static resource analyser

Using A Nearly Named Resource

When MFractor detects that key provided to a StaticResource expression is unresolved, however, it closely matches another the name of another available resource name, MFractor suggests that resource and provides a code-fix to

Example of the nearly named static resource fix

Static Resource Return Type Mismatch

When a static resource expression returns a type that does not match the expected type of the targeted attribute, it will warn of a type mismatch between the expected type of that attribute and the expressions return type.

Example of the static resource return type mismatch analyser

If the property type has a TypeConverterAttribute applied to it (EG: to enable converting a string value into a LayoutOptions), MFractor will not analyse the type flow.

Ambiguous Static Resource

When two or more resources are defined using the same name but in different scopes, the final result of a StaticResource expression is ambiguous.

For example, if a page defines a resource named primaryColor and the App.xaml also defined a resource named primaryColor, we now have two resources with the same name available to the page. It is ambiguous which one we are referencing when we use the expression {StaticResource primaryColor}.

The Ambiguous Static Resource analyser detects when an expressions resource key resolves to more than one available resource and provides a warning that the referenced resource is ambiguous.

Example of the nearly ambiguous static resource analyser

No Key Provided For Static Resource

When declaring a new resource inside a ResourceDictionary, we include an x:Key attribute to define the key that is used to lookup the resource with a StaticResource expression.

Unless the element is a style, all resources must include a resource key.

Example of the undefined static resource analyser

To fix this issue, hover over the code issue and in the tooltip, click on the Generate a key for this resource fix.

Resource Key Conflict

When declaring a new resource for a page or control, it is common to accidentally use the same key multiple times (either in the same page or )

This analyser inspects the x:Key attribute of each resource definition and verifies that it is unique within the current scope.

Example of the nearly ambiguous static resource analyser

OnPlatform Return Type Mismatch

When a static resource expression returns an OnPlatform element, MFractor will verify that the type specified by the x:TypeArguments is compatible with the expected type of the attribute.

Example of the OnPlatform return type mismatch
