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FontFamily Resolution

An overview of how MFractor resolves fonts for IntelliSense and tooltips


When working with custom fonts in XAML, MFractor can suggest the available glyphs in a font asset and also preview that glyph via a tooltip. This article outlines how MFractor will resolve your font asset.

To accomplish this, MFractor will resolve the font asset referenced by a particular element.

This is accomplished via three methods:

  • Resolving the FontFamily through fonts defined by the ExportFontAttribute.
  • Resolving the FontFamily static resource.
  • Resolving the FontFamily via the elements style.

Resolving By ExportFontAttribute

One of the major features added in Xamarin.Forms 4.5 was EmbeddedFonts; the ability to include a font asset as an EmbeddedResource in your code project and then use the ExportFontAttribute to expose it to Xamarin.Forms.


[assembly: ExportFont("FontAwesome.ttf")]

In XAML, we can now reference this font by name (with or without the file extension):

<Label FontFamily="FontAwesome"/>
<Label FontFamily="FontAwesome.ttf"/>

When MFractor encounters a FontFamily that is not a static resource expression, it will inspect the assembly for ExportFontAttribute's and match the defined font family with either the ExportFontAttribute.FontFileName or ExportFontAttribute.Alias value.

Resolving By Static Resource

When using custom fonts in XAML, a common method to reference a font is with a static resource expression that returns a string OnPlatform that returns the font for each platform.

Consider the following font reference:

<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" x:Key="FontAwesome5ProRegular">
  <On Platform="iOS" Value="FontAwesome5Pro-Regular"/>
  <On Platform="Android" Value="FontAwesomeRegular.ttf#Regular"/>
  <On Platform="UWP" Value="/Assets/Fonts/FontAwesomeRegular.ttf#Font Awesome 5 Pro"/>

<Label FontFamily="{StaticResource FontAwesome5ProRegular}"/>

In this OnPlatform, we reference the font asset by its postscript name, FontAwesome5Pro-Regular, on iOS. on Android via the asset name and font style FontAwesomeRegular.ttf#Regular and on UWP by its assets path plus the typographic family name.

When MFractor encounters a FontFamily that references an OnPlatform that returns a string, it evaluates the expression to discover the iOS/Android font asset and then attempts to load that font asset.

Resolving By Style

MFractor can also resolve the font family declared by a style.

Consider the following style declaration:

<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" x:Key="FontAwesome5ProRegular">
  <On Platform="iOS" Value="FontAwesome5Pro-Regular"/>
  <On Platform="Android" Value="FontAwesomeRegular.ttf#Regular"/>

<Style x:Key="labelStyle"
       FontFamily="{StaticResource FontAwesome5ProRegular}"

 <Label Style="{StaticResource labelStyle}"/>

As the Label does not use the FontFamily property, MFractor then tries to locate the Style property. If successful, MFractor evaluates that style expression, locates the FontFamily declared by the style and then evaluates the content of setter as per Resolving By Static Resource.
