Tooltips to assist in working with colors
Color Format Overview
To help you understand the various formats that can be used as a color value, MFractor provides a reminder when you hover over any XAML property that is a Color
Color format tooltips you refresh your memory on the different color input formats without needing refering to documentation.
These tooltips also summarise the various hexadecimal values that can be used, which hex value represents the alpha channel and how to set full or no transparency.
Color Formats
- A named color from the Xamarin.Forms.Color class.#RRGGBB
- A color with 32 bit (00-FF) Red, Green and Blue channels.#AARRGGBB
- A color with 32 bit (00-FF) Alpha, Red, Green and Blue channels.#RGB
- A color with 16 bit (0-F) Red, Green and Blue channels.#ARGB
- A color with 16 bit (0-F) Alpha, Red, Green and Blue channels.
When setting the alpha channel, 0 is fully transparent, F is fully opaque.